Entrepreneurs are constantly endeavoring to move faster, be more efficient and, in general, be more awesome. But kicking yourself and your business into high gear isn’t easy when the things around you, in your professional and personal life happens to be in disarray.
“Peace of mind, clarity, success — it all comes from an organized lifestyle and mindset,” says Justin Klosky, founder of the O.C.D. Experience, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm.
Klosky is definitely the regular organizational expert on The Talk!, has appeared on numerous other shows and has consulted with clients from Pricewaterhouse Coopers to Saks Fifth Avenue and celebrities which include Topher Grace and Sharon and Jack Osbourne.
“The more organized you are, the more free time you have, the more ‘mind space’ you have available to focus on more creative endeavors and the growth of yourself and your business,” he says. “Getting organized is all about simplicity and will allow you to feel less stressed in all areas of your life.”

Ways of Organizing Your way of life and Doing Great Things in 2017
Here are Klosky’s essential strategies for cutting the crap and getting your life in order — ASAP.
1. Let it all go.
The piles in your office, those long to-do lists of things you say you’ll do but haven’t yet done. Why start your year off bogged down with last year’s stuff?
Of course, you will find items that you will have to accomplish that weren’t finished last year, but Klosky suggests that you give yourself the freedom to begin fresh this current year.
“Think of new goals, new expectations and new ways to achieve them,” he says.
If you don’t have one already, purchase a paper shredder and start shredding the piles surrounding you that are just taking up space. Scan the files that are truly needed.
“If you are realistic and hard on yourself, the ratio of what to shred to what to scan will be 10 to one,” Klosky says.
2. While you’re at it, say goodbye to paper altogether.
It’s 2017. Having stacks of paper all over your house and in your office is outdated, not to mention an unnecessary distraction. Take into consideration starting processes that are 100 percent paperless.
“From document organization, email organization, taking notes, the paperless world will make your daily life a whole lot more manageable,” Klosky says. “Look into buying a scanner, my favorite is the Fujitsu iX500 ScanSnap scanner, but any will work that doesn’t require tons of waiting time. After all, getting organized saving time and mental energy.”
3. Limit distractions.
With your phone always at the ready–either in your pocket, your bag or constantly glued to your hand–it’s too easy to become distracted by it too often. This New Year, create habits that separate you from your phone, before your life and business pass you by.
Klosky recommends creating a folder on your phone can and naming it “Twice a Day.” In it, drop apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., that should require limited attention. After that, it’s about finding the discipline to only check the apps in that folder twice a day–perhaps at the same times if that’s easiest.
4. Work smarter, not harder.
We’ve heard this before, but for good reason. Take a look at the overall scope of your daily process and reorganize your business and yourself so you’re operating leaner, more streamlined and with less all around.
“You can start with the way you manage your emails and then take it to your documents and then follow this process into your daily lifestyle,” Klosky recommends. “Create folders on your computer that support the way you structure your business. These folders will also be similar to the structure in your email account.”
The same goes for your email. “Treat your inbox like you would the physical space on your desk,” he recommends. “If your desktop is completely cluttered, go back to Step 1. As you answer emails, finish conversations on specific projects, tasked items, move the email out of your inbox to the appropriate folder for the specific project.” This will help keep you focused on what you haven’t done yet and will provide you with breathing room any time you look in your inbox. “The more chaos you see, anywhere, the more chaotic you will be,” he says.
5. Take a risk!
There’s something that’s been eating at you, something you’ve wanted or needing to do in order to boost your processes or to improve your business. But you haven’t done it. For whatever reason, you’ve resisted. The trigger has not been pulled.
With the start of a new year, Klosky says that all of the preparation and organization is wasted if we don’t move ahead and take risks.
“We all get comfortable in our current successes, in our current relationships, in our current living situations, jobs and are OK with just continuing the norm because most of it feels good and is good,” he says. “Seriously? Be greater than you already are in the new year by taking some risks.”
Perhaps it means hiring some needed help, even if it means forgoing the comfort of saving money. Maybe it implies creating that new product, even without knowing if individuals will purchase it, because you know it will be the right move.
“Be smart and still operate your business with integrity and grace, but go out on a limb this year and create change,” Klosky says. “When it pays off, you will be filled like never before.”
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