With the spring cleaning season upon us, I thought the blog-o-sphere might enjoy some fun and fresh organization ideas! I would like to focus on the area that is most likely to be the messiest, most chaotic, and unorganized: The kids room.
That dark pit of a room with death traps waiting for you unsuspecting feet and chins at every corner. The special area that has been artfully decorated by your very own spawn. I know a child’s room/ playroom can seem pretty pointless to pick up, but it has to be done (at least once a year) Here are a few tips for getting through this as painlessly as possible.
Kids Room Organization in 6 Quick Steps
- Make sure your minions are preoccupied doing something else. Trust me the last thing you want is a cleaning partner who wants to tell you each toy’s story, and then play with it, and then want to keep it now that they have seen it (even if you found it under a bunch of stuff in the closet and they haven’t played with it in 6 months).
- Drag out every last pet shop, transformer, Lego, and doll that you can find and put it in a nice pile.
- Next, pull out your wizarding hat, because you are now the sorting master. Divide the heap into two piles: things to Keep and further organize, and things to sneak out of the house so you can donate or toss.
- Once you have made the final cuts and drafted this next year’s team, it is time to get organizing. I would divide everything up based on what gets played with together. So, all of the lego- related things should be stored together, all action figures cars and dolls, and books. This part is really going to depend on your kid’s toys, but you’ll figure it out.
- The real key here is to find some creative, but accessible way to organize and store the items. You want the things that your kids use frequently to be easy to get to…so that they are easy to put back. Here are some pictures of ways that other people have tackled this concept.
- The final and most important step is to re-introduce the animals to their new environment. Explain how everything is organized and where everything is…so that your kids can find all of their toys and they don’t go rip-roaring through your newly organized room. Plus, now they can see how/where everything is supposed to go. (No guarantees that they will actually put them back though)
You are now fully equipped to organize and clean your kids room this spring cleaning season! As always, if you need real estate assistance we are always here! Just give us a call at 813-300-7116 or Click Here .
Provided to you by Tabby Russell Rivera, Buyers Agent for Nick & Cindy Davis RE/MAX Premier Group.