Stalling. We’ve all suffered from it in one form or some other. It basically occurs when we put off things which we should be concentrating on at the moment in favor of doing something else we’re more comfortable, or would rather be, doing. Ring a bell?
Productivity Tricks to Save You From Stalling
You realize you’re in trouble especially during that time period between when you intend to do something (an activity, project, homework, an important conversation, etc.) and when you actually get it done. This is when it gets you.
If you would like take total control of your procrastination, listed here are three simple steps to help you get there.
Step 1: Understand that You’re stalling
Seriously, the majority of us ought to know when we’re stalling. But just in case, here are some useful indicators that will assist you know when you are doing it:
Starting your day with low priority tasks from the “to do” list. You’re working the bottom of your list first. This is a no-no.
Reading e-mails several times without deciding how to deal with them.
Finally deciding to begin a significant task, and suddenly, like magic, off you go to make a cup of coffee!
Leaving something on your to-do list that carries over into the next day, then the next, and the next…..even when you know it’s important.
Not having the boundaries to say “No” to low-priority tasks that others request you to do, which in turn fills your entire day as opposed to following through with the essential things already on the To Do list.
You’re waiting to find yourself in the “right mood” or find the “right time” to knock off the important stuff. Really now…
Step 2: Realize why You’re stalling
It is critical to figure out the reasons why for your stalling. Here are 5 typical reasons:
1. Many people find a particular task or job unpleasant, and therefore becomes the origin of their avoidance. Tip: Get these tasks done with quickly. Then you can focus on doing the work that you enjoy.
2. A number of people often are disorganized–it may even be how they’re wired as a person. Listed here are 3 instant strategies to give you some help:
Have clearly-prioritized to-do lists, schedules, time frames for completing a job, and deadlines for goals will assist counter procrastination.
Work back from your deadlines to understand how long you will need, and when to get started so you’re not late with your deadline.
Focus on a single task at one time. Contrary to popular belief, multi-tasking is actually counter-productive! Finally, like all well-organized people, make sure your work is broken down into manageable steps.
3. Some people are overwhelmed by a task which causes them to doubt their own personal abilities or resources, therefore they wind up seeking security in doing the tasks that they know they’re good at doing!
4. Perfectionists tend to be procrastinators, since they have a tendency to think “I do not have the right skills or resources to get this done perfectly, therefore i won’t bother with it.”
5. Having poor decision-making skills. For those who cannot decide what to do, you will probably put off taking action in case you do the wrong thing.
Step 3: Replace Old Habits That Keep You Stalling
While breaking the practice of stalling won’t happen overnight, replacing your current habits that make you stay there, and practicing better ones often will probably be your best option. Here are some tips to get you motivated:
Treat yourself. When you’re done with a task that you know you were avoiding, believe us, you will feel the joy of finishing it when you treat yourself to something special!
Be accountable to someone else. Employ a peer, spouse, or co-worker check up on you, or keep you on course.
Find out the negative consequences of NOT doing the task. Keep that perspective at the front of your mind. What’s the cost of your stalling?
Figure out in dollars what you’re costing your employer. This is going to require that you be very honest with yourself. Considering they are paying you for your time to do important work, just how much are you costing them for not delivering? This is a reality check.
Start with small tasks to get the process started and get you in the flow. That should minimize the feeling of taking on the whole mountain by concentrating on one mole hill at the same time.
Remember: the more time you go without stalling, the greater your chances of breaking the habit! We hope this assists. Good luck. If you would like to share somethings that you have found that work for you, we would love to hear from you. To leave a comment, simply click here