Calling all spring chickens!! The first day of spring was March 20th, and that means that the beloved spring cleaning season is upon us! I know everyone is jumping for joy at the idea of deep cleaning their home, but it must be done! To help with this annual annoyance, I thought I would send myself on an epic quest to hunt down some helpful information.
First things first, you have to decide what you need to tackle. Do you need to organize, deep clean, or declutter? I like to think of spring cleaning as the time to identify which of these three things I most ignore throughout the year. Then I like to find ways to tackle it.
Spring Cleaning Guides Galore!
For me the biggest thing is decluttering. That’s right I am that person that keeps the old clothing because maybe I might wear it once in the next two years. I will organize and clean all of my junk until the cows come home, but it is hard for me to buck up and throw the junk out. So, if you can relate here are some guides to help you depart with your beloved junk.
Organization is the bread and butter of life. If your paperwork, desk, drawers, clothes, pantry, electronics, or house is disorganized…well then your life is disorganized. Just think about how much more stress you add to your day if you are disorganized. For example, getting ready in the morning. You have to shuffle around your floor, which is made of clothing, to rifle through your messy closet/drawers to find an unwrinkled matching outfit. If you take the steps to organize your life would be just a little less stressful. Here are some good how-to’s to help you get to your Zen place.
Then there is the big kahuna: deep cleaning. For a lot of people spring cleaning is all about the deep cleaning. Honestly, everyone should have a few deep cleaning rituals to perform. Even those out there who clean religiously. I have assembled some checklists to help you make sure you don’t miss anything. I am sure that you will also find a few items that you never thought to clean.
Well folks, its times to step away from the screen and get to your new spring project! Here are a few more tips I have for you:
- Don’t try to do it all at once! Spring lasts until June 19th so spread out your tasks. Maybe try setting a 10, 30, or 60-day goal chart of things you want to clean.
- Google has all the answers. If you are unsure about how to clean something, what to use, or natural alternatives to chemicals Google it!! I like to scroll around Pinterest, because you will almost always find your answers and more there!
I hope you all enjoy your spring season and make the most of it! As always we are here to help if you need us for any needs concerning real estate! Contact us at 813-300-7116 or Click Here .
Provided to you by Tabby Russell Rivera, Buyers Agent for Nick & Cindy Davis RE/MAX Premier Group.